Screenshots & Breakdown
Contributions and Responsibilities:
- Team lead for last level of the game. Maintained lines of communication between departments
- Created a library of high quality environment assets.
- Level streaming, asset management, shader network setup, BSP editing, dressing, lighting, and prop animation (matinee) in the Unreal 3 editor.
- optimized, polished, and adapted existing particle FX to fit level needs.
- Mentored and managed new team members.
- Created modular architectural system of arches, pillars, vaulted ceiling, and walls for cathedral level.
- created bridge; pulling normal from high poly model.
- props: rose window with destructible and particle FX, stained glass window with destructible and particle FX, ceiling destruction, destructible thin pillars and arches, lamp.
- Created suite of vine variations and grass variations. Vine material is able to rustle in wind.
- Created main arch wall and lighting polish on this piece.
- Angel statue; normal maps created in photoshop. Created in about 8 hours.
Durham, England Street 1
- Major BSP rework
- All Dressing and lighting except in first shot in this series.
- Optimization
- Bug fixing
- Particle FX placement and kismet toggles.
- Dynamic lighting kismet toggles.
- Props: scattered bricks, false ceiling and destroyed false ceiling, blood puddle normal and material polish, trash, air duct above false ceiling
- Team lead.
- Major BSP rework
- Dressing
- Lighting
- Optimization
- Polish
- Dynamic lighting kismet toggles.
- Props: operating light, destroyed handrails
Order Tower Lobby
- Team lead.
- BSP rework
- Dressing
- Initial Lighting
- Optimization
- Polish
- Dynamic lighting kismet toggles.
- Helicopter crash particle FX optimization
- elevator animation and functionality kismet
- Props: office plants, upper floors, elevator, couches with destructible
- Bug fixing
NY Museum
- Props: ceiling material and mesh, ceiling and floor trim, pedestal destructible, statue destructible, reception desk
- animated ceiling material with crack that spreads radially
- pristine and destroyed floor components
- laid out modular system for museum lobby domed ceiling and architecture. Did not create final meshes and materials.
Last level of game
- Team Lead
- Overhauled gameplay and player path
- Overhauled level layout
- Dressing
- Lighting
- Optimization.
- Bug fixing
- Prop animation
- General prop materials polish.
- Props: Building facade, bridge, generator destructible, crate, lamp, atrium trim,
- Overhauled BSP layout
- Dressing
- Lighting
- Particle fx placement and kismet toggles.
- Props: caged light
Miscellaneous props
- exit sign
- starbucks chair
- st francis statue
- subway LED marquee with scrolling text.